Call for price : 712-445-2211
Available in 304 and 409 stainless steel, the Simonsen BFTSTRTA top auger trailer mounted tender is the workhorse of the Simonsen lineup. The 10x13x10 delivery auger system, large trap openings, and steep slopes combine to offer unloading speeds of up to #3500 per minute. The rotating delivery auger allows for filling of multiple compartments without the need for repositioning. The 20 foot long delivery auger will make filling any applicator easy. Discharge heights of over 20 feet high and a long reach allow applicators to park away from the tender keeping your equipment and personnel safe from harm. The optional two compartment chemical bin shown is available on either truck or trailer applications and runs a completely separate auger system to keep your dry chemical or micro-nutrient "pure" until they reach the applicator.